White Ops Uncovers Advanced Mobile App Ad Fraud Scheme

White Ops has uncovered a mobile ad fraud operation with unusually sophisticated and patient tactics to embed itself in mobile phones, the company said Thursday. The investigation, dubbed CHARTREUSEBLUR (most of the 29 perpetrating apps used “blur” in the name, and apparently the White Ops threat research team is fond of the liqueur chartreuse), roundedContinue reading »

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OpenX BIDS Is Making It Cheaper And Easier For Brands To Access Log-Level Data

OpenX has turned the growing number of log-level data requests from buyers into a product that simplifies the process, called Bidding Intelligence Data Set (BIDS). “Our intent was to make what used to be a wonky and difficult process into as streamlined, productized and standardized a process as possible, to make our customers’ lives easier,”Continue reading »

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Will Fans Start Betting On Athletes’ Biometrics During A Televised Game?

With major sports leagues set to return to TV, new content will be considered, such as how many times an athlete’s heart beats per minute.

Jimmy Butler Sings to the Tune of the NBA’s Return in New Michelob Ultra Spot

After a four-month hiatus, the NBA will be back next week–with a strict set of regulations to limit the risk of Covid-19 spreading among players and coaches–to finish out the 2019-2020 season at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla. In a celebration of basketball’s return, Michelob Ultra, the NBA’s new official…

Facebook Users Kept Up Their Eating and Their Exercising in June

With quarantines largely still in effect, Facebook users picked up their paintbrushes in June, as acrylic painting techniques and associated topics abstract art, acrylic paint, canvas, cherry blossom, landscape painting, paint, painting, panel painting and work of art were one of the month’s Topics to Watch from Facebook IQ. Women 35 and older and men…

Neuroscience Could Be the Key to Getting People to Wear Masks

In a study, people responded to messages that resonated with them personally—up to a certain extent. The results could help shape responses to future pandemics.