Anthony Levandowski Asks a Judge Not to Send Him to Prison

The former Google engineer, who pleaded guilty to stealing the company’s self-driving car technology, says he’d be at heightened risk for Covid-19.

Nike Creatively Unites Athletes; Google Posts First-Ever YOY Revenue Decline: Friday’s First Things First

Welcome to First Things First, Adweek’s daily resource for marketers. We’ll be publishing the content to First Things First on each morning (like this post), but if you prefer that it come straight to your inbox, you can sign up for the email here. Clever Video Editing Portrays a Message of Unity in Nike’s…

Discovery, Inc. Joins On Addressability Initiative

The company will be able to offer dynamic ad insertion in its networks’ programming on linear TV and in VOD across Comcast, Charter and Cox aggregated cable audiences..

How To Extend Diversity Initiatives To The Marketing Supply Chain

  It’s relatively easy to know if you have a diverse workforce – you just need to look. Supporting diversity across your entire media supply chain is trickier. Procurement teams often evaluate vendors based on pricing or value, and rely on recommendations from colleagues and industry peers – making it difficult for diverse-owned companies toContinue reading »

The post How To Extend Diversity Initiatives To The Marketing Supply Chain appeared first on AdExchanger.

Vizio Ads Expands Into Cross-Screen Video Retargeting

As streaming TV takes off, Vizio Ads is scaling up its offering to include video retargeting. Advertisers on Vizio TV’s native apps can retarget that same household with a video ad on a different device. The goal is to help advertisers sequence their messaging or optimize frequency, said Travis Hockersmith, VP of platform services atContinue reading »

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Programmatic Ads Could Hurt Publishers’ SEO Efforts

“The Sell Sider” is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today’s column is written by Chris Shuptrine, vice president of marketing at Adzerk. In May Google announced major 2021 changes to its search ranking algorithm, including the addition of core web vitals, which are new metrics related to pageContinue reading »

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US GDP Dips 9.5% In Q2; Discovery Joins On Addressability

Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. GDP … U The US gross domestic product fell 9.5% in the second quarter – the biggest dip on record, the Commerce Department reported on Thursday. That’s a $1.8 trillion loss due to, what else, the ongoing pandemic. The collapse was “unprecedented in itsContinue reading »

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