Instagram for Business: How to Add a Gift Card Button to Your Profile

For some time now, users with Instagram business accounts have been allowed to add a wide range of call-to-action buttons to their profiles, which let visitors do things like schedule appointments with that business. Now, businesses can also add two more action buttons to their profile, which allow visitors to purchase gift cards and order…

Ad Recession Begins To Moderate In June, Still Marks Fourth Consecutive Monthly Decline

After plummeting 31% in May, the U.S. ad market showed signs of stabilizing in June, declining only 17% in June vs. the same month in 2019, according to the latest data from the U.S. Ad Market
Tracker, a collaboration of Standard Media Index (SMI) and MediaPost. Even so, it was the fourth consecutive monthly decline in U.S. ad demand, following March (-11%), April (-35%) and May (-31%).

How White Is Brand Leadership? These Logo Tweaks Tell the Story

As American society continues to grapple with addressing racism, the corporate world is under continued pressure to change the diversity of its leadership. Agencies have begun to drip out their talent breakdowns. While brands have taken public positions on racism and, specifically, Black Lives Matter, most continue to have pervasively white leadership in the C-suite….

Country Crock Plant Butter Helps Bakeries Deliver 1,000 Cakes for Quarantine Birthdays

While the Covid-19 pandemic has forced many brands to pause or pivot their campaigns since March, Country Crock Plant Butter found an opportunity to execute a social good campaign to support struggling small businesses and consumers. The dairy-free butter, which the Upfield-owned company debuted in 2019, teamed with agency BCW Global for #HomeboundBirthday, a social…

UM Taps Garcia As First Chief Privacy Officer

IPG Mediabrands UM unit has named Arielle Garcia its first Chief Privacy Officer, responsible for overseeing the launch and managing the media agency’s privacy program.

Martha Knows Best? You’d Better Believe It

When it comes to so many things — cooking, baking, homemaking, catering, holiday handicrafting and operating heavy machinery — Martha Stewart does indeed know best.

Suppose They Gave A Boycott And Nobody From The Long Tail Came?

Don’t be shocked to see Facebook’s advertising results expand, not contract, when it releases its Q2 earnings on Wednesday. In the middle of a pandemic. Amid an advertising boycott by the world’s
biggest brands. With rampant social unrest, much of which is pointing its finger at the social network.

We Need to Spell Out What ‘Cultural Affinity’ Means

I love pitching for new business. However, as someone of color, I flinch slightly whenever I hear “chemistry meeting.” Pitch scorecards may be dreary and mechanistic, but at least there is a sense of rationality and transparency about the scores. The strategy wasn’t robust? Fine. The media planning was fanciful? Fine. Those knocks are part…

Estrella Jalisco Links U.S. Cities and Mexico Through Local Artists

In a campaign inspired by the community where it was born, Estrella Jalisco is promoting art and culture through its new $1 million artists-in-residence program. Rojas is an artist, muralist and activist with a mission ‘to ignite creativity and inspire others to see the world through the lens of love.’ Estrella Jalisco The AB InBev-owned…