Syndication Market Shrinks, Fewer Choices On Fall Schedule

Katz Media Group says only three new first-run Monday-to-Friday shows have a shot at making it onto local TV stations’ schedules this fall. Major market TV station groups are the lynchpin to getting
syndication shows launched.

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Influencer Marketing Firm Obviously Expands With Paris Office

The new office, which has been taking shape for months, will focus on clients in the beauty/style, entertainment, food and beverage, and technology industries. It will be run by Caroline Duret,
previously with RadiumOne.

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A New Challenge For Ad Targeting: GDPR Compliance

Is personal consumer data still a viable option to use for ad targeting if only a limited amount of a brand’s customers give consent to use it?

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Skittles Wants Its Super Bowl Ad to Be Exclusive. So It’s Showing the Spot to Just One Teenage Fan

Skittles is creating a 60-second spot for the Super Bowl but the ad won’t air during the Big Game on Feb. 4. Instead, one teenage fan of the brand–Marcos Menendez from Canoga Park, Calif.–will see the ad and we’ll be able to see his reaction to the ad via a livestream on Skittles’ Facebook page….

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Laura Dern Says Creators Need to ‘Catch Up’ With Audience’s Desire for Diverse Stories

Fresh off her powerful acceptance speech at the Golden Globes for her role as Renata Klein in HBO’s hit Big Little Lies and her part as a leading character in the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Laura Dern wants to play more complex and culturally relevant characters, which is something she says audiences desire….

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Jonathan Goldsmith’s First Big Campaign for Astral Tequila Is … Most Interesting

These days, Astral Tequila piques Jonathan Goldsmith’s interest. The dapper, bearded pitchman, who long portrayed Dos Equis’ Most Interesting Man in the World, appeared in a teaser and a subsequent Columbus Day spot for Davos Brands’ Astral last year. Today, he returns in the first three installments of a 10-spot campaign by agency Erich &…

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IBM Watson Partners With Data Marketer Jivox for Ads That Change With the Weather

IBM’s Watson Advertising, formerly The Weather Company, is partnering with personalized data marketer Jivox to create and deliver contextual ads in real-time. Ads can be tailored based on dynamic local weather information-meaning, not only might customers in a cold snap get more ads for hot coffee, but if it’s snowing outside, the coffee ad itself…

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Many people in other countries closely follow news about the U.S.

Across 37 countries surveyed in the spring of 2017, a median of 48% say they closely follow news about the U.S., compared with 50% who do not. Interest in news about the U.S. is highest in Canada, where 78% say they track it closely. Next highest is the Netherlands (75%), followed by some of America’s closest allies: Japan, Germany and Australia. Across 10 European nations, a median of 51% say they follow news about America closely.

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CVS Will Stop Altering Beauty Images in Stores and Online

CVS Health announced a major plan to stop altering beauty-related images featured on CVS Pharmacy products or in CVS marketing online and in stores. “As a woman, mother and president of a retail business whose customers predominantly are women, I realize we have a responsibility to think about the messages we send to the customers…

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