Group Nine CEO’s Strategy: Diversify Brands And Revenue

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Building a successful media company today means creating a diverse portfolio of brands and revenue streams, according to Group Nine CEO Ben Lerer. Lerer embarked on this strategy more than a year ago when he created Group Nine Media. The holding company is composed of Thrillist, The Dodo, NowThis Media and Discovery’s Seeker, with $100 millionContinue reading »

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People React to Being Called Beautiful in Samsung’s Remake of a 2015 Viral Video

If a stranger stopped you on the street and took your picture, telling you she was collecting images of beautiful people, how would you react? Would you find yourself speechless? Would you laugh? Make some self-deprecating remarks? Point out features you consider unattractive? Perhaps you’d reveal that you’ve been bullied for the way you look….

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Women Execs Are Speaking Out About Diversity at CES, Yet Booth Babes and Sex Robots Are Still Prevalent

“Do as I say, not as I do” might as well be the mantra for discussions about diversity this week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Weeks after marketers and execs slammed the conference’s organizers for its lack of solo women keynoters, numerous panels and execs are using the conference as a platform…

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5 facts about Iran

The public unrest that swept across Iran starting in late December began as a protest against poor economic conditions, but it quickly turned into a call for an end to the country’s theocratic regime. In particular, discontent seems to have been fueled by what many protesters perceive as the Iranian government’s unfulfilled economic promises following the 2015 […]

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12 Books That Will Make You a Better Writer and Storyteller

My favorite book is always the one I’m reading now. I get vested in the story, in the characters, in the voice of the writer. The last few pages can feel like a kind of death (a sense of foreboding, a final ending), which is why I often sequentially, and sometimes obsessively, read the works…

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Here Are the 4 Creative Agencies That Ruled YouTube in 2017

Each month, Google and Adweek present the YouTube Ads Leaderboard, a listing of the 10 most-watched commercials on YouTube in the prior month–with the caveat being that the spots must have significant organic views, not primarily paid views. Google has now looked through all of the 2017 Ads Leaderboards and identified the creative agencies that…

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Horizon Teams Up With 4C To Customize Cross-Platform TV Plans

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Indie media agency Horizon is giving its advanced TV platform Pivot a facelift. Horizon is building a custom planning tool using 4C Insights, the social and TV data analytics platform designed to go beyond age and gender demographic targeting. Instead, 4C’s tool will integrate with Pivot to help Horizon marry behavioral, attitudinal and purchase dataContinue reading »

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IAB Lab Releases ‘OpenDirect’ Update, Supports Negotiations

The IAB Technology Laboratory this morning released OpenDirect 2.0, an update of the specs it recommends the industry use for trading “premium” automated guaranteed ads. The IAB lab said the update
completes the OpenMedia specification stack by facilitating non-real-time bidding transactions. It will accept public comments on them through March 12.

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Optimizing Location Data: What It Is, Where It’s Going and Why It’s So Important

Geotargeted mobile ad revenues are expected to reach $18.2 billion by 2019, up significantly from just $6.8 billion in 2015. Locational data is becoming an essential tool for businesses to drive customers from the web to their doorstep. It helps them to target local customers who are ready to buy, better understand the customer experience…

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