I was not a big social media user before Nov. 8, 2016, but that all changed when Donald Trump was elected President. Partly because I wanted to understand the role social media — especially Twitter
— played and continues to play in all things Trump, I jumped in. With both feet. I’ve learned a lot. Not all good. But the first thing I ever posted about Trump was an image on Instagram of Trump as
“Bizzaro # 1,” a reference to the character in Superman who comes from Bizzaro World, where they say things that mean the opposite of what they mean on planet Earth.
— played and continues to play in all things Trump, I jumped in. With both feet. I’ve learned a lot. Not all good. But the first thing I ever posted about Trump was an image on Instagram of Trump as
“Bizzaro # 1,” a reference to the character in Superman who comes from Bizzaro World, where they say things that mean the opposite of what they mean on planet Earth.
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