Better Branded Entertainment Metrics Are Coming

Branded entertainment continues to be a growing business. But for many, there is a need for more granular data for marketers to analyze — especially across different screens.

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6 Magazine CEOs, 4 Strategies: How To Survive And Thrive In 2018

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 The magazine industry is consolidating in the face of multiple challenges. Rather than the newsstand, competition is coming from social platforms. Marketers want the performance advertising sold by key digital players. And as print circulation declines, magazines struggle to maintain the steady revenue from their direct-to-consumer subscription businesses. The CEOs and presidents of Condé Nast,Continue reading »

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NFL Ratings Slide 10%, Anthem Protests Cited

Many explanations have been given for the falloff in NFL ratings this season, including a backlash among fans to controversy surrounding players who protest by taking a knee during the National
Anthem. A nationally representative survey of Americans conducted by Wall Street equities firm UBS finds that, in fact, is the No. 1 reason cited by those who said they watched less NFL coverage this
year. The finding — part of a survey of 2,000 U.S. consumers conducted by UBS as part of its “Evidence Lab” — is self-reported, but among those saying they watched less NFL coverage, 50% said they
“don’t approve of National Anthem protests.” That’s up from 30% who cited that reason when UBS conducted a similar survey a year ago.

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How Broadcasters Are Counterprogramming Against 18 Days of Winter Olympics Coverage

It’s one thing for a rival broadcaster to throw up the white flag the night of the Super Bowl–ABC, CBS and Fox all stuck to repeats on Sunday. But the strategy becomes much tougher when the major sports event a network is competing against stretches over 18 nights, as is the case with NBC’s coverage…

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Pubs, Ad Tech Firms Batten Hatches As Chrome Ad Blocking Deadline Nears

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Google will turn on its built-in Chrome ad blocker on Feb. 15, meaning ad tech companies must hustle to get their products in compliance as publishers fear lost revenue. Beginning that day, Chrome will begin auto-blocking ad formats that obstruct access to content. Chrome has more than 62% of the mobile browser market share andContinue reading »

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5 facts about the religious lives of African Americans

Religion, particularly Christianity, has played an outsize role in African American history. For Black History Month, here are five facts about the religious lives of African Americans.

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Ruslan Salakhutdinov – Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ruslan Salakhutdinov - Neural Map: Structured Memory for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ruslan Salakhutdinov is a professor of computer science at the Carnegie Mellon University and director of AI research at Apple.

Paper by Emilio Parisotto and Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Recorded: December 9th, 2017

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Google Called Out Over Fraud Refund Practices; Nielsen’s Plan To Track Product Placements

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Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Google’s Fraud Refunds The ad management company AdTrader published a Medium post encouraging publishers to join its class-action lawsuit against Google. Back in December, AdTrader sued Google over almost $500,000 in publisher ad revenue it says the ad platform giant improperly seized. The companyContinue reading »

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