The World's Most Creative Women: Pansy Aung, Salt & Pepper Creative

In a continuing drive for greater diversity and inclusion in marketing and advertising, a new feature by The Drum highlights conversations with top creative women in the industry. 

All were nominated for The Drum’s global Woman of the Year award at The Drum Creative Awards, sponsored by Facebook, One Minute Briefs and in partnership with Creative Equals. The award is designed to push equality boundaries within the creative industry to spark discussion and action.

From icons and pioneers to prominent creative directors and designers, we asked each of them how diversity creates better work, the positive changes the industry can make, what keeps these creatives going in an ever-changing world and how greater diversity can grow the business.

Leading into the new year, this series will reveal more of The Drum’s global Woman of the Year award nominees.

Today, we speak to Pansy Aung of Salt & Pepper Creative.

From your experience and point of view, how does a more diverse creative team create better work? 

A lot of our work are based on assumptions. Having a diverse team gets you insider’s knowledge that data simply can’t give you. That’s especially important for delicate emotional and cultural insights.

How are the conversations around creativity, and specific work/projects, different with a more gender balanced team?

You always get a more rounded view when you hear from both sides of the fence.

What changes around inclusion should the entire industry embrace today?

Now that we’ve started the talking, let’s start the doing. I’m looking forward to seeing diversity programmes set up in all agencies.

With all of the issues women face in this the creative sector, what keeps you in the industry?

I think what keeps most female creatives in the industry is that we simply love what we do. We rather work extra hard to proof ourselves than to give up.

Will greater diversity in the industry ultimately save/grow it?

Greater diversity in the industry is the only way to help us stay relevant in a increasingly cross-cultural world.

The Drum Creative Awards puts creativity back in the spotlight and flies the flag for creativity during the digital revolution. These global awards are open to advertising agencies, design consultancies, digital agencies, production companies, marketing agencies, PR and more.

To register your interest for 2018, go to the event website.

This years awards were sponsored by: Facebook Creative Shop and One Minute Brief and partnered with: Creative Equals.
