Geoffrey Hinton – Computers With Brains

Geoffrey Hinton - Computers With Brains
Professor Geoffrey Hinton, a father of AI, explains how neural networks revolutionised Google’s translation services, and why we might one day be able to recreate consciousness in silicon.

Geoffrey Hinton is a British cognitive psychologist and computer scientist, most noted for his work on artificial neural networks. As of 2015 he divides his time working for Google and University of Toronto.

Artificial intelligence is already transforming everything from medicine to music. Manuela Saragosa speaks to three pioneers of this latest industrial revolution and asks what will be left for us humans to do?

Ron Gutman of HealthTap introduces Manuela to the latest physician to join their team – Doctor AI. And Ed Newton-Rex, co-founder of music start-up Jukedeck, takes her through his playlist – which was entirely composed by his computer.

May, 2017