Infographic: How Much Privacy People Will Give Up for Personalized Experiences

Consumers around the world get frustrated when brands fail to deliver relevant, tailored experiences, something they are increasingly demanding. They’re also concerned about giving companies too much personal information, which paradoxically is what brands need in order to deliver such experiences in the first place. Meanwhile, poor personalization resulting from a lack of trust costs…

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Editor’s Letter: The Real Big Game for Marketers Is Engaging With Consumers Individually

Enveloping this month’s Digital Transformation Playbook, which is focused on the burgeoning trend of personalization as an important marketing avenue, is Adweek’s annual Super Bowl issue. It’s an interesting pairing and underscores a shift in the brand-marketing ecosystem–from the power of many, to the power of one. The Super Bowl remains one of a handful…

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How Squarespace Created a Killer Super Bowl Spot That Scored an Emmy

John Malkovich is on an important phone call and he’s extremely angry. He wants to launch his fashion career with a website,, but someone else owns the domain. That’s how Squarespace’s hilarious Super Bowl LI spot, “Calling,” plays out–Malkovich, placing a friendly-turned-fuming phone call to someone who controls something he desperately needs. The…

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Personalization Is a Priority for Retailers, but Can Online Vendors Deliver?

Call it the Nordstrom versus Amazon problem. Stores like Nordstrom excel at “white-glove service.” Its staff may recognize your face and even greet you by name as they direct you throughout the store. However, they probably don’t know what you bought last month or what’s still sitting in your online shopping cart. Sites like Amazon,…

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NBC Sports Is About to Make $1.4 Billion in 22 Days Thanks to the Super Bowl and Winter Olympics

For the athletes involved, the two major sports events occurring over the next few weeks–Super Bowl LII and the 2018 Winter Olympics–represent the culmination of years of training, laser-focus and pushing oneself to the limit, all in pursuit of breaking records and coming out on top. The same goes for the NBC Sports ad sales…

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Intel Told Chinese Firms of Chip Flaws Before U.S. Government

In initial disclosures about critical security flaws discovered in its processors, Intel notified a small group of customers, including Chinese technology companies, but left out the U.S. government, according to people familiar with the matter and some of the companies involved.

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How Amazon’s Ad Business Could Threaten Google and Facebook

As Inc. builds out its advertising services and sales team, it increasingly impinges on the turf of two other tech titans, Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google.

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Sonos Closes Its Flagship Store in New York to Support Net Neutrality

Sonos, the consumer electronics company most well-known for its smart speakers, is closing its flagship New York store today with an accompanying message about the importance of net neutrality. The message, timed to coincide with the Grammys, stresses the importance of an open internet to the future of music and directs viewers to The…

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The Quantum Labyrinth – Richard Feynman & John Wheeler – Quantum Reality & Time

The Quantum Labyrinth - Richard Feynman & John Wheeler - Quantum Reality & Time
Physicist Paul Halpern explored the relationship between Richard Feynman and John Wheeler, physicists who explored theories of quantum reality and time.
Recorded: December 12, 2017

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