Is Fox News ‘State-Run TV? If So, Which State Is Running It?

“Good evening, everybody. It may be time to declare war outright against the deep state and clear out the rot in the upper levels of the FBI and the Justice Department.” That’s how Fox Business
Channel host Lou Dobbs opened his segment Tuesday, calling on his viewers to prepare for war against our nation’s top law-enforcement agency and our justice system.

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5 Trends That Will Shape Social Media in 2018

There’s no shortage of predictions at the start of a new year, especially for marketers. Deciding where to invest your time and money is hard enough without long lists of flash-in-the-pan fads and experimental tactics. So, when we produce our annual Social Trends Report at Hootsuite, we focus our analysis on trends that are both…

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Ad-Tech Exec Joins Percolate as CEO to Ramp Up Company’s Enterprise Work

Seven-year-old content marketing firm Percolate is growing up. The company is bringing on digital marketing vet Randy Wootton as CEO to help ramp up the business to attract a different clientele, namely enterprise companies like Adobe, Salesforce and IBM. Current CEO (and co-founder) Noah Brier is heading back to his roots as the company’s chief…

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Keanu Reeves Puts His Dreams on the Internet in This 15-Second Squarespace Super Bowl Teaser

Last week, Squarespace announced that Keanu Reeves would star in the company’s 30-second Super Bowl spot. In a new 15-second teaser for the ad, Reeves has gone out to the desert to reflect and build his website next to a fire. Squarespace’s in-house creative team created the 30-second spot, which kicks off a campaign that…

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‘Thursday Night Football’ Isn’t Always A Winning Proposition

The same number of networks will compete for next year’s “Thursday Night Football” package — and that the entire rights fee package for the regular season series may stay about the same or even drop
versus a year ago.

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Burger King Deviously Explains Net Neutrality by Making People Wait Longer for Whoppers

On the heels of its brilliant anti-bullying spot last year, Burger King has found another cause it can get behind, and promote with a clever in-store stunt–net neutrality. In December, you’ll recall, the FCC repealed net neutrality rules that regulated businesses that provide internet access to consumers–opening the door for broadband providers to potentially charge…

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Marvel Tops DC at the Box Office Because Fans Emotionally Connect With Its Characters, Study Shows

Comic book franchises are making their way to screens big and small now more than ever before, with Disney’s Marvel leading the way. According to a study done by automated market research tech provider ZappiStore, the success of Marvel at the box office and beyond can be linked to the viewer’s emotional engagement with the…

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Publicis Denies Accounting Transgressions

The denial came Tuesday after an anonymous author sent letters to the Groupe weeks ago claiming that Publicis illegally rejiggered its revenue without disclosure. Analysts also received the

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Media Disrupter Of The Year: Internet Research Agency

Vision, innovation and leadership show up in many places in the media industry – but not necessarily at noble, well-intentioned or transparent companies. Normally, we don’t get to see the “use cases”
or most effective results of clandestine media — the kind executed by intelligence agencies — but thanks to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S.
Presidential election, we have had a unique opportunity to see it up close, if in an uncomfortably personal way.

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Agency Of The Year: Havas Media

At a time when advertisers and consumers have entered an ad-blocking arms race and regulatory changes could make it even more difficult to identify and target consumers, Havas is betting big on a new
approach that will essentially let consumers self-target.

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