Best of 2017: Digiday Confessions with a New York Times copy editor, Instagram influencer and more

In Digiday’s Confessions series, we trade anonymity for honesty from individuals in media and marketing. Our best Confessions from 2017 touched on topics spanning from The New York Times’ editorial layoffs to influencer fraud and agency culture.

Confessions of a New York Times copy editor
Less than a month after Times staffers’ walkout in June to protest layoffs expected to affect copy editors, a copy editor from the Times shares how the job has changed since the paper restructured the copy desk system about a year ago: “I had eight stories on a recent night, and I was just buried. I could hardly get up to go to the bathroom. The shift has been to get it up as quickly as possible and catch things on the fly. That isn’t the way The New York Times used to do it. Now, we’ll just give it a read, and off it goes. Then, you find out a name is misspelled. Or there isn’t a first reference to a name. Or a fact is wrong. When we shifted to this new system, people started spotting little things that were getting in the paper.”

Confessions of an ex-brand global media chief
A former global media head of a multinational brand argues that media owners are disconnected from clients and don’t understand how client-agency contracts work: “I call agency pitches the dance of prostitutes. The pimps at the back dictating the pitch are the agency-buying houses, and their individual agencies are the girls in the shop window. Because clients are driving the pricing process, the agency guarantees the client a fixed price based on using certain media partners. They’ll win the pitch, so that’s then locked in. So if a major broadcaster starts running a new show and a client wants to be involved in it, the agency won’t necessarily go for it because of how their bonus is set up.”

Confessions of a new mother at an ad agency
A new mother at an agency shares what it’s like to return to work after having a baby: “Working at an agency, it’s meeting apocalypse all day. There are legit meetings on a normal day that are scheduled for 5.30 p.m. or 6 p.m. at night. That’s fine if you don’t have a need to be home. That doesn’t work for everyone — especially parents who can’t afford to have a nanny at home all day and into the night.”

Confessions of an Instagram influencer
An Instagram fashion influencer reveals how brands pressure influencers to use bots to artificially inflate their engagement: “As the brands are being more pushy about influencers and agencies want them to grow their followers, they push them to use a bot that likes photos for you. A few years ago, everyone was growing organically. After brands started paying for things, these people realized they can sell followers to people. The brands use these fucking bots, too.”

Confessions of an agency millennial
A young employee at a digital and media agency delves into the culture at agencies: “Nobody wants to help each other. As an industry, we’re always at each other’s throats, or at least at each other’s collarbones. There is a culture of gossip that’s hurtful. Agency people are incestuous. The gossip follows people around. There are people who go to eight agencies in five years and come out with negative stories. People are real assholes.”

How The New York Times gets people to spend 5 minutes per visit on its site

People aren’t just subscribing to The New York Times in greater numbers; they’re also spending more time on its site.

In 2017, people spent about five minutes per visit on the Times’ site, which is up 35 percent from 2016, according to comScore reports pulled by an ad buyer. For the Times, getting users to spend more time on the site is part of a broader effort to drive subscriptions, which have become central to its business model.

“If we get people spending more time with us and reading more stories across our properties, it is good for our subscription business,” said Cynthia Collins, the Times’ social media editor.

Traffic for the Times was slightly up in 2017, averaging about 89 million unique visitors per month across mobile and desktop combined, which is up 9 percent from 2016, according to comScore. But unlike most digital publishers, the Times is not wholly dependent on ads for its revenue. What’s more pertinent is that the Times’ digital subscription revenue rose 46 percent year over year to $86 million in the third quarter.

To get people hooked on its content so they eventually subscribe, the Times loads articles with multimedia components. In Chartbeat’s list of articles from its digital publishing clients that users spent the most time on in 2017, the Times had 10 of the top 25 entries, many of which included embedded documentaries, podcasts, maps and interactive charts.

For example, in a report on the shooting in Las Vegas in October that left at least 59 dead, the Times complemented its reporting with maps and graphics that depicted the area where the shooting took place. With its coverage of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, the Times embedded Weinstein’s full statement and a supplemental podcast into the article.

Citing timing constraints, a Times spokesperson declined to share what percentage of its articles contain multimedia elements but confirmed that the figure is in the double digits and growing. One factor driving multimedia usage at the Times is that it introduced a new content-management system this year, called Oak, which made it easier for editors to sequence and shape images, text and other media, she said. The Times also added about 25 people to its newsroom who focus on visual journalism, said a company spokesperson.

The amount of time that Times readers spent on its site is similar to The Washington Post, whose readers spent about 4.5 minutes per visit on the site throughout 2017, according to comScore reports pulled by an ad buyer. The Times’ increase in time spent comes as session length is becoming important for publishers as a selling point with advertisers. To keep users glued to their properties, publishers are experimenting with various tactics.

Bleacher Report got people to spend more than five minutes per day in its app by introducing a tab for Vine-like video loops. The USA Today Network reformatted its digital properties to give users more personalized Facebook-like webpages, which increased time spent per article by 75 percent. The Outline increased time spent per session by 30 percent by embedding 3-D objects into articles. Forbes increased its average session length nearly by 40 percent by redesigning its mobile site to include Snapchat-like cards.

Erin Yasgar, buyer strategy lead at Prohaska Consulting, said that when buyers are setting up large deals with publishers or buying custom units, high time spent on-site lets buyers “know that they are purchasing a more lasting impression.”

Photo courtesy of The New York Times

ESPN Adds Mobile Streaming Rights To NFL Games

ESPN is joining NBC Sports in adding new streaming rights to NFL games on its mobile platforms. ESPN announced Wednesday that it had signed a deal with the league to offer authenticated pay-TV
subscribers access to games on smartphones.

Wirecutter Plots Its Affiliate Future Under The Wing Of NYT Parent Company

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The New York Times acquired Wirecutter last year because its Consumer Reports-like product coverage mirrored the Times’ aspirations to expand into service journalism. “The Wirecutter was doing what the Times would have done if we were to start from scratch,” said David Perpich, Wirecutter’s president and general manager. Buying Wirecutter helped the Times diversify itsContinue reading »

Publisher commerce ambitions will hit a wall in 2018

Publishers know by now that farming on a platform’s land can be dangerous.

Just as publishers have learned that they’d struggle to monetize their content on Facebook, those that spent to build businesses based on e-commerce affiliate commissions will get a wake-up call in 2018, as Amazon cements its place as an online shopping destination and cuts the affiliate commission rates it pays publishers.

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AdColony CEO Will Kassoy Gets The Boot As Revenue Is Set To Tumble In Q4

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AdColony’s Q4 revenue is expected to drop 5-10% more than it did last quarter and CEO Will Kassoy is out, effective immediately. The news caps off a “disappointing” year for AdColony, according to a release late Thursday from parent company Otello Corp. (formerly Opera Software, which rebranded to Otello on Monday). Kassoy, who joined Otello/OperaContinue reading »

LendingTree Scales Dynamic Creative To Juice Its Display Ad Returns

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LendingTree, an online lead-generation exchange for consumer loans, is hoping to prove that more informed creative can be one of the main drivers of real-time advertising performance. The company spent two years evaluating dynamic creative optimization (DCO) technologies and is now scaling out the program under the startup RevJet, said Josh Eldridge, LendingTree’s senior marketingContinue reading »

Luma Partners’ Brian Andersen Lays Out Ad Tech’s M&A Potential In 2018

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Luma Partners’ Brian Andersen will speak at AdExchanger’s upcoming Industry Preview conference on Jan. 17 – 18, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt New York.  2018 will see the same amount of deal activity as 2017 as the field of potential buyers expands, predicts Luma Partners’ Brian Andersen. The ad tech acquirers are much different from when Andersen joinedContinue reading »