Day One: Chrome Switches On Its Ad Blocker

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There’s no love for annoying ads on Chrome this Valentine’s Day. Google released a new version of its browser on Wednesday with a built-in ad blocker. Here’s how it works. Chrome will now block all ads on sites that don’t adhere to the ad quality standards set by the Coalition for Better Ads, an industryContinue reading »

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Google Details How Its Chrome Ad Blocker Works

Chrome will automatically block ads on sites that fail the Better Ads Standards after failing to comply for 30 days following notification of the violations.

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The Uncertain Fate Of Local Community News As Outlets Shutter

What happens to a community when local newspapers shutter? Small print publications not only inform the public, they protect it.

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Baidu Bounces Back as Ad Revenue Rebounds

Chinese search giant Baidu is clawing its way back from a challenging year on the strength of advertising and its move to pare down its noncore businesses.

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What Will We Do With Quantum Computing? – Aram Harrow, MIT

What Will We Do With Quantum Computing? - Aram Harrow, MIT
A large-scale quantum computer would be able to solve problems that existing classical computers would take much longer than the age of the universe to solve. This would have dramatic implications for cryptography, chemistry, material science, nuclear physics and probably other areas that are still un- known. But what about quantum computers that will be available in the next few years?

Nov 6th, 2016

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Uber Posts Fourth-Quarter Loss of $1.1 Billion on Higher Sales

Uber continued to boost ridership and revenue throughout last year, despite a punishing stretch that included a sexual harassment scandal, the resignation of its longtime chief and a blockbuster lawsuit from its primary rival in self-driving vehicles.

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Private Marketplaces: What We’re Getting Right

AdExchanger |

“The Sell Sider” is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today’s column is written by Rachel Parkin, senior vice president of strategy and sales at CafeMedia. In ad tech, we either spend a lot of time hunting for the next big thing or kvetching about what’s broken in ourContinue reading »

The post Private Marketplaces: What We’re Getting Right appeared first on AdExchanger.

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