Why Quartz has gone niche with newsletter topics

Since Sept. 18, Quartz has sent a global daily Quartz Obsession newsletter arriving at 4 p.m. in each local time zone. The newsletter features content snippets like charts, statistics, videos cards, text, quizzes, quotes, timelines or polls so that readers can either dive into or scan the topic.

While the Quartz Daily Brief morning newsletter aims to bring the publisher’s business-focused audience around 20 important stories from around the web to set them up for the day, the afternoon Obsession newsletter gives people more time to go deep on a particular niche area, according to Jessanne Collins, editor of Quartz Obsession.

“There’s a sense of news-cycle fatigue, which can offer an important gap for media products to fill,” she said. “There’s a hunger for smart, relevant, interesting coverage that’s not regurgitated and not the same news day to day.”

Quartz doubled the number of subscribers to its newsletters, which include its Daily Brief and pop-up newsletters tied to global business events, last year to over 700,000. The publisher wouldn’t share how many people subscribe to Obsession, but it said the open rate is over 78 percent, much higher than the average open rate for media newsletters, which is about 22 percent, according to MailChimp.

While there’s a seemingly unlimited number of potential topics that Obsession could focus on, the task is finding the right level of specificity. The topic needs to balance breadth and giving readers a good picture of the story, rather than subjects that are too general like World War II or the Industrial Revolution, according to Collins. Quartz groups its coverage into “obsessions,” an evolving list of global issues that affect the economy. Collins added that the email is a natural extension of Quartz newsroom coverage on these topics.

The team takes inspiration from the day’s news to single out which topics to focus on in the newsletter. For example, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s address on New Year’s Day sparked an Obsession email about the “nuclear button” and how the symbol has been used in history and politics. It’s a dense topic, but it has the scope to be covered from both a narrow and wide enough perspective to warrant an Obsession email. The newsletter is also customized by location, and reporters from across the world take turns editing it, with the newsletter adopting a different byline each day.

Quartz Obsession opts for video and image cards, rather than text.

“We introduced the email to editorial as a new format for them to experiment with. There’s a lot more product capability and experimentation to come,” said Eva Scazzero, associate product manager at Quartz. “With each part of the story, we think about how it can be anything other than text and do as many of those as possible. You can convey a lot of information in a quick factoid. We want to put the maximum amount of information in a minimum amount of space.”

Obsession has collected reader responses for a month, whether that’s asking readers for their favorite mezcal recipes or what topics Quartz should feature, helping to build a community mentality around the newsletter, according to the publisher.

“Interactivity is core to the email. We want to get deeper into reader suggestions of topics,” Collins said. “It’s reflected in the scope of what we cover and that feedback loop.”

Hewlett Packard Enterprise and education technology company 2U have also sponsored Obsession emails, although the publisher couldn’t go into detail about its clients’ campaigns.

For all of publishers’ interest in launching more newsletters to engage directly with readers, an ongoing problem is tracking and measurement. Gauging success is variable and often depends on the publisher’s numbers rather than a third-party auditor.

“The forwarding email click-through rates [for Obsession] are really high. It’s a clear indication that it’s working,” said Scazzero, “but the topics are so different it’s difficult to understand what’s affecting that behavior — whether it’s the day of the week, the topic, the placement of the links — so it’s difficult to feel good about that number.”

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Publishers eye push notifications in aftermath of Facebook news feed changes

If you’re wondering why you got the same Apple News push alert from CNN a half-dozen times Tuesday afternoon, it wasn’t a coincidence. (CNN said it was an Apple News glitch.)

Now that Facebook is deprioritizing publishers’ posts in the news feed, there’s more urgency for publishers to make direct connections with readers. That means they’re taking push notifications more seriously.

The Wall Street Journal has tripled, to nine, the number of topics that its mobile app users can follow and made it possible to “follow” its writers so users get a push when those authors publish something.

Publishers are making an effort to stand out visually. Gannett’s USA Today grew its referral traffic from pushes by 18 percent by incorporating pictures, video and GIFs into its messages. The Guardian has played with the font and style of its push notifications. CNN is will begin adding rich media to its push notifications in the second quarter of 2018.

And while personalized push notifications didn’t gain much traction among publishers’ app audiences last year, publishers including Gannett are looking to infuse more personalization into the pushes they send. In a survey Gannett conducted with its app users last year, relevance of the content was named as a top motivation for responding to push notifications.

“If they don’t identify with it, they’re less likely to engage with it,” said Larry Aasen, director of mobile development at Gannett.

These moves were already in the works when Facebook announced changes to its news feed algorithm earlier in January. But as publishers try to make up for the loss of reach in the news feed, even areas that drive small amounts of referral traffic will become more important.

“You’re seeing a lot more sophistication,” said Mike Herrick, svp of product and engineering at Urban Airship, a push notifications technology provider. “The assets that are owned are going to be the most strategic.”

Publishers pay close attention to their app audiences because their response to a story often provides a good signal for how a publisher’s broader audience will react to it. At CNN, for example, the click-through rate on its app push notifications determines whether to move breaking stories to the top of its homepage or write more stories on a developing story.

“They’re optimal for getting an early indication for how a story is playing with your audience,” said S. Mitra Kalita, CNN’s vp of digital programming. “I used to use Facebook metrics like this over five years ago. You’d look at shares over the course of 20 minutes.”

The competition for space on users’ phone lock screens has gotten intense. The volume of push notifications sent by publishers rose more than 50 percent from January to December in 2017, according to data from Urban Airship. While there’s a risk that publishers will overdo it, audiences are getting used to a fire hose of notifications: Opt-in rates for push notifications rose 16 percentage points this year, also according to Urban Airship.

Pete Brown, a senior research fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism and the author of “Pushed Beyond Breaking,” a research report on push notifications published last fall, predicts that images, automation and personalization will gain importance in pushes. Last week, Urban Airship rolled out a tool that will allow publishers to use artificial intelligence to schedule push notifications based on when the audience is most likely to interact with them.

Push notifications account for a small percentage of most publishers’ overall traffic. For USA Today, they drive just 10 percent of its mobile app opens and 5 percent of the mobile app’s pageviews.

Yet those slivers of audience are valuable. To receive a push notification, a person must have either downloaded a publisher’s app or followed the publisher inside a platform like Apple News or Google Play Newsstand, a sign of affinity.

“A lot of people would consider their push audience their most loyal, their most engaged audience,” Brown said.

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For the GDPR-curious: WTF is the Article 29 Working Party?

While the digital media industry is no stranger to jargon, the arrival of the General Data Protection Regulation is unearthing a whole new world of legal mumbo jumbo.

With maximum fines of €20 million ($25 million) or 4 percent of annual sales on the cards for companies found seriously in breach of compliance, the stakes are high. So, it’s worth studying up on some of these terms.

Here’s one that often emerges in GDPR discussions: the Article 29 Working Party.

WTF is the Article 29 Working Party?
It’s a group made up of all the national regulators from each country in the European Union, which has 28 members including the U.K. until Brexit kicks in.

Why does it matter?
These are the regulators that will be in charge of dishing out the much-feared fines to businesses that breach the terms of the GDPR — so those that haven’t gained the appropriate level of consumer consent for data use. So, it’s quite a big deal.

Who is in this party?
The regulator from each of the EU member states; one representative from the European Commission, which has compiled the GDPR; and a representative from the European Data Protection Supervisor. They meet every month or so to discuss developments.

What do they do? 
The group provides independent advice to the European Commission on all things related to data protection. Data protection laws are complex, and each market within the EU has different dynamics, so the group aims to harmonize and streamline the implementation of the law. The goal is to ensure that businesses in, say, France, won’t be dealt with more strictly than businesses in Greece if they have similar GDPR compliance issues. The group has also helped write guidance around the GDPR for their respective countries. The U.K. regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office, has helped draft all the compliance guidelines for British businesses, for example.

Why is it called Article 29?
Articles are like clauses. This group is called Article 29 because it is named after the Article 29 section in the EU Data Protection Directive (which the GDPR will replace on May 25).

Will this group change after GDPR enforcement?
Yes. In fact, it will become the European Data Protection Board on May 25, the day of GDPR enforcement. The members of the group will remain the same, but they’ll get more legal weight than they have now to push through decisions.

How so?
“They [Article 29 Working Party] issue nonbinding opinions, which provide guidance and therefore carry weight and credibility,” said Yves Schwarzbart, head of policy and regulatory affairs at the U.K. Internet Advertising Bureau. “Their opinions are also taken into consideration by EU courts if necessary, but that doesn’t mean courts always follow their opinions.” But the new board will have the legal power to make final decisions on issues such as disputes within the group, should regulators from different countries disagree with each other, according to Nick Stringer, co-founder of consultancy Entropy and former head of regulatory affairs at the U.K. IAB.

There will also be different levels of fining power. For example, given Facebook’s European hub is in Ireland, it will be the Irish regulator within the group that is in charge of all Facebook’s data protection activities across Europe, according to Stringer. If Facebook was found to violate the GDPR, for example, the Irish regulator would issue any fines, rather than the ICO.

Will the new Data Protection Board include the UK?
That’s not yet clear, thanks to Brexit. For now, the ICO will be part of the board, given Brexit has not yet been executed. Whether it will remain so depends on Britain’s relationship with the EU after Brexit talks.

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Carlos Slim, One of World’s Richest Men, Gets Schooled by an Old Pupil

AT&T Chief Executive Randall Stephenson learned about Mexico’s telecom market two decades ago from the billionaire industrialist Carlos Slim. Today, AT&T is challenging Mr. Slim’s América Móvil and has helped erase $8 billion from his fortune. The relationship between the two men is strained.

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CNN’s Courageous Studio wins three Digiday Video Awards; The Washington Post named Video Team of the Year

CNN’s Courageous Studio is only 2 years old, but it’s already a force to be reckoned with. The branded content arm of CNN swept the Digiday Video Awards Tuesday with three wins: Best Multiplatform Video Campaign, Best Brand Video Destination or Channel and Best Video Publisher Partner for Brands.

“We try to live up to the name, we try to be courageous, we try to be bold and we try to be relevant, and to have that recognized is really great,” said Otto Bell, chief creative officer of CNN’s Courageous Studio.

The Washington Post took home the award for Video Team of the Year, which was decided by public vote. In June 2017, Phoebe Connelly, deputy director of video for the Post, explained to Digiday why the team is trained to maximize staffers’ skills rather than have a narrow focus: “It’s bananas as an industry if we expect and teach our talent to think, edit and report for a single platform. We have to set the expectation that the platform you’re using is going to change based on assignments, months or the audience you’re targeting for the story.”

The Digiday Video Awards recognize the most outstanding and inspired work in branded digital video, video marketing and video advertising by brands, agencies and technology companies.

See the full list of winners and learn more about them below.

Video Team of the Year
The Washington Post

Best Video Ad Tech Innovation
Immersion, Universal Pictures Mexico and Teads – “Jason Bourne” trailer
When Universal Pictures Mexico was promoting the fifth “Jason Bourne” movie, it turned to haptic technology company Immersion. Using haptic technology for Android, Universal created a bumpy, memorable ride for the movie trailer when viewed on mobile. Read the case study here.

Best Advertiser in Video
Truth Initiative and 72andSunny – Truth #StopProfiling
Teen smoking rates are at their lowest ever, but anti-tobacco organization Truth is still trying to stop teenagers from smoking before they even start. In this campaign, Truth took a social justice angle, highlighting how low-income neighborhoods have more tobacco retailers near schools, and black neighborhoods feature more tobacco ads. Watch the teaser below.

Best Live Moment
Team One – Lexus RC Real-Time Build
Team One, Lexus’ agency of record, gave auto obsessives the chance to direct the building of the Lexus RC, a luxury sedan. People voted on the car’s modifications on Facebook; then, Lexus built the car in a 10-hour broadcast on Facebook Live. Watch the build below.

Best Video Ad
Man Crates Creative Team – “Adventures in Customer Service”
Gift company Man Crates delivers unique gifts to men. To warm customers up for the holiday season, Man Crates created a video series focused on the customer service inherent in the Man Crates experience. Watch the video below.

Best Brand Video – Single
Brunner and 84 Lumber – “The Entire Journey”
Pittsburgh-based creative communications agency Brunner shows it’s possible to make a branded video without focusing on the brand. Chronicling a mother and daughter’s journey to the U.S. from Mexico, the video highlights our shared humanity. Watch below.

Best Brand Video – Series
Lyft – “Undercover Lyft”
Lyft’s “Undercover Lyft” series uses the tried-and-true formula of pranking strangers. Celebrities and star athletes such as Demi Lovato and Odell Beckham Jr. pose as Lyft drivers, picking up? and driving unsuspecting passengers before revealing their true identities. See Beckham’s big reveal below.

Best Video Distribution Platform
Brightcove’s cloud-based video solutions software allows publishers and brands like Gannett and Dunkin’ Donuts deliver and monetize high-quality video across multiple devices.

Best Multiplatform Video Campaign
CNN Courageous Studio and Volvo – “Racing The Sun”
Courageous Studio made sure that Volvo owned the solar eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 by racing four Volvo XC60s across the country, following the event as it happened. Four eclipse enthusiasts went along for the ride, sharing their experiences and perspectives on the science and meaning of the moment.

Best Social Video Campaign
Likeable Media and Century 21 Real Estate – “Adulting 101”
Real estate broker company Century 21 knew it had a fusty brand image among millennials. To counter it, it created a series of how-to videos showing millennials how to accomplish certain milestones, such as negotiating for a raise, managing finances and what to look for when buying a home. See its video on how to efficiently pack for a trip below.

Best Brand Video Destination or Channel
CNN Courageous Studio and Volvo – “Racing The Sun”

Best Video Publisher Partner for Brands
CNN Courageous Studio
Launched in June 2015, Courageous Studio is rooted in CNN’s news practice. Its nonfiction, documentary approach has helped attract brand clients like Samsung, Modelo, Intel and eBay.

Best Video Advertising Agency Or Partner
Epic Signal
The social media agency is a small operation, but it has pulled in big business since opening almost four years ago. Its focus on social video and influencer partnerships has earned it business from PepsiCo, YouTube, Amazon, MillerCoors and Starbucks.

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